Sunday, November 8, 2009

Betting on Good Health, by Karen Barrow

As many as 46 million adults and children in the United States lack health insurance, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. A recent short in the NY Times highlights this guy that lost his healthcare (a freelance writer, age 58). At first he was scared at the thought of having no insurance. Then, and I'm quoting him, "I decided, look, when you have insurance you are betting that you are going to get sick."

So, he took his health into his own hands and changed his lifestyle including eating and exercise. Now he says, "I am in control of my health."

We very much can have control over our general physical health. It is empowering to feel good about trying on clothes, knowing you can run a few miles no problem... If you can choose to feel better about yourself, why wouldn't you?

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